Characteristic Centre of the Amalfi coast, rich in history, traditions and folklore, is famous for its white houses like ivory, embrace the cliff overlooking the sea and also for the impressive cathedral of Sant'Andrea.
The Cathedral was built in the ninth century and was fixen several times until 1700;
The central door presents wonderful bronze doors from Constantinople transported
in 1066.
Inside the crypt you can admire a huge bronze statue of the saint masterpiece of Michelangelo Naccherino and two statues of Saint Stefano and Saint Lorenzo both a Bernini's work.
The magnificent cathedral is not the only source of pride for the Amalfitan Center, you can also visit the arsenals, beautiful testimony of the Amalfi belonging to the Maritime Republic .
The Museum of the Charter is the celebration of the ancient traditions of amalfitani as producers of paper, using techniques perfected from the Arabic in Amalfi.
The museum makes it live and clear to the visitor the ancient methods used, with the path to levels that incorporates all stages of processing, you can also follow the realization of sheets of paper by hand and the old water mills working, as if the time had stopped at the time were used daily.
Amalfi is also famous for the beauty of nature that protects and monitors; The striking cliffs, clean beaches, the vivid backdrops are just some of the goals as well ...and also excellent food.